Saturday, July 16, 2016

How is everyone doing?

Hello everyone, 
I just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who is participating in the Summer Reading Program. We are so excited to have you on this journey with us to read and keep our brains popping with lovely information.

Some of you are reading fiction novels about dragons, far away places, a different state you've never been to, or just about a person and their life like you and me. Those are great books! 

Some of you are reading nonfiction books about Jane Goodall and her research, learning how planes are built, or just researching how your town became a town - they weren't always there you know, people had to make it a official town. Those are great books!

And some of you are only reading particular things; you're studying for your SAT's next fall, you're listening to an audio book about spiders to try and concur your fear, or you're only interested in Africa and their tribal laws and culture because you're going on an exchange program in a few months - very specific examples here. Those are marvelous books too! 

Whatever you're reading, it's a great book because you're interested in it. What you read builds vocabulary, sends brain waves through your cranium, and helps you learn something you didn't know - from a new fact about tribal life, to someone's feelings about faith.

Everything you read is important in it's own way. 

Enjoy this summer and enjoy reading! 
Happy Reading! :D

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